New site for Neon Agency, managed with WordPress

We’ve just launched a new website for Neon Agency.

Neon works with companies to improve sales performance, through staff incentives, live events and media promotions.

Neon wanted a site that cleared signposted the 3 distinct services they offer. They also wanted a site that was concise, with a fresh feel with large and impactful imagery.

Neon Agency home page

We developed a home page with 4 distinct sections, each with a large image and a short description of the service Neon provides. As a user clicks (or scrolls on a tablet/phone) a heading, the page scrolls to reveal the image and description. To bring further movement to the page, each image slowly pans in, using the so called the ‘Ken Burns’ effect.

The internal pages continue with the large imagery theme, with further animations with the fading in of images and content. Together with the page content, there is a large call to action and client logos displayed within an auto-rotating carousel.

The site is managed by WordPress making it easy for Neon to update any of the site content.

The site can be viewed at

If you’re interested in knowing more, or need to redesign your existing website, please call Rob Caston on 01285 643 496.